#74 - Unraveling Influenza Dynamics in Growing Pigs - Juliana Bonin Ferreira DVM, MSc, DVSc

Oct 11, 2023

Influenza outbreaks severely jeopardize the swine industry, resulting in substantial losses in productivity and revenue. Understanding the virus' spread among pig populations is crucial. In this episode, Dr. Juliana Bonin Ferreira, Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, specializing in Swine health and production, shares insights from her research on influenza dynamics in growing pigs. Dr. Ferreira's longitudinal study unveiled recurrent infections in individual pigs, shedding light on the influence of maternal immunity and vaccination on influenza prevalence and exploring infection dynamics, determinants, and concurrent immunity changes.


Meet the guest:

Juliana Bonin Ferreira DVM, MSc, DVSc


      โ—‹ Current: Clinical Assistant Professor at the North Carolina State University

      โ—‹ Past: Research Assistant at the University of Guelph



      โ—‹ Ph.D., Swine health management/epidemiology (University of Guelph)

      โ—‹ M.Sc., Veterinary Medicine (University of São Paulo)

      โ—‹ DVM, Swine Veterinary Medicine (Methodist University of São Paulo)


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