A rock and a hard place ⛰️
Nov 29, 2022
⛰️ While prices have risen for turkey – the go-to consumer choice for a holiday meal entrée – they have also increased for other potential choices of holiday meat, leaving consumers between a rock and a hard place…
• Market forces and avian influenza have disrupted the turkey supply chain and driven prices upward. Not only may the number of fresh turkeys be insufficient this year, but there also appears to be a larger supply of frozen ones – meaning, more time for preparation (keep that in mind!).
🧐 So some consumers may be looking for better alternatives.
• As far as that goes, beef and pork supplies are in much better shape than they were last year, but they have gone through substantial price increases nonetheless.
🐷 According to studies, ham is a consistent choice (its prices show a substitution may already be in place), and pork products should be generally available for the holidays. A good opportunity for the pork industry, no less!
🦃 For more numbers and details that will help you plan your Thanksgiving, click here.