Executing the fundamentals of swine management - Todd Thurman

production and management Oct 05, 2020

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“What are those things we're going to look back on 20 years from now that we're doing today? I think a lot of those for our industry will revolve around gilt development and gilt selection, that we just did not pay enough attention to such a crucial part of our business. And that's another area where I see a ton of opportunity not just in terms of application on the farm, but at a deeper level in research, to better understand what we need to be doing differently there, what we need to be doing better.” – Todd Thurman


What you will learn

Focus on the fundamentals;

Opportunities on sow farms;

High leverage activities on farms;

The future of pig farm personnel;

Free trade;

Supply chain resiliency versus efficiency;

System design.


Meet the guest: Todd Thurman is an International Swine Management Consultant and the owner of SwineTex Consulting Services. Mr. Thurman holds an A.S. degree from Clarendon College and a B.S. degree in Animal Science, Production Emphasis, from Texas Tech University.

This episode was published by Lauro Faccin & Laihane Almeida.

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