"Highlander" virus ⚔️
Apr 05, 2023
🦠☠️ Since Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) was first introduced in the province of Manitoba, Canada, pork producers have been trying to eradicate it. However, it keeps coming back (some kind of magic like in the movie?). So here comes the question: can gilts be exposed to create immunity and prevent sow barns from re-breaking every two years?
• The Future Management of PED Working Group, in collaboration with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatchewan, has tried to assess the viability of the idea.
🔬 The answer? The logistics required to complete such a process would negatively impact all producers. So after reviewing the studies and discussing the pros and cons, the Manitoba PEDV working group concluded that PEDV exposure was not a proper tool for elimination in the province – too bad we can’t just cut off the head of the virus… It seems we can only continue looking for solutions (for now). Click here for more information.