Much better… ⬆️
Nov 29, 2022
😷 Wouldn't you agree? If there’s one thing that foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreaks have taught us is how much truth there is to that sentence… After all, our focus has shifted from diagnosis and treatment to prevention and control.
• Keeping pathogens at bay is the first step to an effective on-farm biosecurity program, and an often-overlooked aspect of planning is the role of feed and feed ingredients – a proven transmission route for diseases...
🛡️ Kemin’s mission is to help you solve that! Sal CURB® Liquid Antimicrobial maintains the Salmonella-negative status of complete feeds and feed ingredients for up to 21 days and controls mold in feeds or feed ingredients.
☣️ Backed by 25 years of research, Sal CURB® has also been shown by third party studies to effectively inactivate the African swine fever (ASF) virus in animal feed and feed ingredients. Needless to say, it’s a must-have part of any comprehensive feed biosecurity program! Click here to read more about it.