On the producers’ side 🐷
Oct 14, 2022
The date finally arrived! October 11 (remember?) was a remarkable day at court: producers watched as arguments against Proposition 12 were heard by the US Supreme Court and the whole situation reaffirmed that the Constitution is on the pork producers’ side – and so are we.
- The National Pork Producers Council’s (NPPC) chief legal strategist says he felt hopeful that the court will understand the troubles that the law will create (check out more about it here).
👀 Troubles such as…
- One state imposing rules on any business or operation that’s located entirely in other states.
- Prop 12 not being actually good for animals or consumers.
- The affordability of the law being a threat to the pork industry.
At the end of the day, the NPPC and the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) support pork producers by trusting them to raise their pigs in a way that’s best for them and their operation.