Pig department in the FBI ๐Ÿ•ต

swine o'clock Oct 04, 2022

Do you know what Agro-terrorism is? It’s the deliberate introduction of a livestock targeted disease agent into the food chain – typically a tactic that can be used to either generate mass socio-economic disruption or as a form of direct human aggression


  • In the agriculture community in particular, even though protests might hurt (our poor feelings), they’re allowed. What’s not allowed is stealing pigs, committing an act of violence, etc. 


๐Ÿ›ก Here are some ideas on how you can protect yourself and your farm: (1) pay attention to who might be a threat (transnational terrorist groups, domestic terrorists, corporate espionage, activists…); (2) guard yourself on social media; and (3) and call your local FBI agent, or at least find your point of contact, before anything problematic happen.